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How does a classical hero die in the digital age? Using Sophocles’ Ajax to create a commentary on commentaries

How does a classical hero die in the digital age? Using Sophocles’ Ajax to create a commentary on commentaries is a 4 years project which will start in September 2020. Its Principal investigator is Dr. Matteo Romanello.

© Fondation Hardt, Vandoeuvres, 2019

This project will explore the notion of a digital commentary by focusing on one commentary’s tradition: that of Sophocles’ Ajax. Focusing on the historical and epistemological dimension of such publications, it will study the history of this genre and of its exegetic practices. In order to enable the study of all published commentaries on the Ajax, digitized commentaries will be processed and transformed into a multi-commentary, enabling a comprehensive comparative analysis of the commentary tradition.

This project is funded by the Swiss National Science Foundation under the funding scheme Ambizione (grant no. PZ00P1_186033).

More information on the project

