Charlotte Mazel-Cabasse is the Executive Director of the UNIL-EPFL dhcenter. She holds a PhD in Geography and Science and Technologies Studies from the University of Paris-Est, where she studied at the Laboratoire Techniques, Territoires et Sociétés (LATTS), at Ecole Nationale des Ponts et Chaussées.

Before leading the UNIL-EPFL dhcenter, she was the lead Ethnographer at the Berkeley Institute for Data Science at the University of California, Berkeley, where she conducted a multi-sited research on the transformative dimensions of data centric research in academia, funded by the Gordon and Betty Moore and Alfred P. Sloan Foundations. Previously a student researcher at UNIL and EPFL, Switzerland, she had worked on research projects questioning relations between science, society, and risk.

Before going back to graduate school, she was a civil servant in French Embassy in South Africa and an NGO project coordinator for Aide Médicale Internationale (AMI) in Afghanistan and Indonesia. She also worked as a web and freelance journalist, having collaborated with French local and national newspapers. She received her MA in Cultural Geography from Université de Reims, France; and MA and BA in Information and Communications Sciences from CELSA (Ecole des hautes Etudes en Information et Communication), Université de la Sorbonne, Paris, France.
