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Solange Ghernaouti wins Cyber Women 2020 Trophy

Solange Ghernaouti, a professor in the Department of Information Systems (DESI) at the University of Lausanne Faculty of Business and Economics (HEC Lausanne), is the winner of the Cyber Women 2020 Trophy in the category of Women Managers & Entrepreneurs.

The Cyber Women Trophy was awarded to Ghernaouti by the Cercle des Femmes de la CyberSécurité (CEFCYS) during the Cyber Women Day ceremony in Paris on October 27th.

The Cyber Women Trophy was created during the Forum Internationale de la Cybersécurité (FIC), which promotes the importance of women in cybersecurity and showcases outstanding career paths of professionals in the field.

Ghernaouti is the director of the Swiss Cybersecurity Advisory and Research Group. She was honored in the category of Women Managers & Entrepreneurs for her leadership and transdisciplinary approach to cybersecurity.

Source: University of Lausanne, 13 November 2020. La Prof. Solange Ghernaouti est lauréate du Trophée de la Femme Cyber 2020 dans la catégorie Dirigeante & Entrepreneure


