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NBC News: the explosion of Reddit’s coronavirus community

A recent NBC News report has profiled the social network Reddit’s message board dedicated to discussions on the new coronavirus. The growing community is quickly becoming an authoritative resource for information on the pandemic.

NBC reports that r/coronavirus, which gained nearly one million new members within a two-week period in March, sees some 50,000 posts per day. The community is moderated by computer scientists, infectious disease researchers and medical professionals to screen for mis- and disinformation.

The article profiles these moderators, who are described as being notably successful at keeping the community up-to-date with reliable information on the pandemic.

Online moderation researcher Kat Lo is quoted as saying: “I was expecting a very large influx of active disinformation and toxicity. But it looks like the moderators have made people not feel empowered to be extremely racist or spread disinformation.”

Read the full article: How Reddit’s coronavirus community became a destination (March 18th)

