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COVID-19: Resources for teaching during a pandemic

As of March 16th, containment measures to reduce the spread of the novel coronavirus have included remote classes for UNIL and EPFL students. As a result, many teachers are now facing the challenging task of adapting coursework to an online format on short notice.

Here are some resources to help ease the transition.

RStudio webinars

Rstudio produces open-source tools and software for the R programming language, as well as resources for data scientists and developers. Its webinar series now includes presentations to help teachers and students adapt to an online format:

“Teaching Effectively During Times of Disruption”

Academic technology experts at Stanford University developed this resource in direct response to the COVID-19 pandemic, and the effects of social distancing on education. The document is aimed at a Stanford audience, but has a Creative Commons license to reuse and remix.

The 22-page document contains a range of tools and frameworks for developing a new class structure from scratch. The authors focus on implementing student-centered approaches in an online environment. They also offer guidelines for delivering presentations, giving exams, and using digital tools like Zoom.